About us
The Canada-International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CIHRRC) is an international research collaborative that includes people living with HIV, researchers, clinicians, representatives from community-based HIV service organizations, and policy stakeholders with an interest in HIV and rehabilitation research.
The Collaborative was established in 2009 as a partnership among researchers, clinicians, community members and organizations in Canada and the United Kingdom (UK), originally referred to as the Canada-United Kingdom (UK) HIV and Rehabilitation Research collaborative (CUHRRC). Since its inception, the Collaborative has expanded to include members from other countries whereby individuals living with HIV experience similar types of issues related to disability and rehabilitation. For more details on the evolution of CIHRRC as an international research collaborative, see the following:
O’Brien KK, Solomon P, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Chegwidden W, McDonnell E, Brown D, Harding R, Bergin C, Worthington C, Tattle S, Baxter L. Evolution of an international research collaborative in HIV and rehabilitation: community engaged process, lessons learned, and recommendations. Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action. 2018;12(4):395-408.
“The CIHRRC Wing” from Three Flying Piglets
Three Flying Piglets has filmed all CIHRRC Forum presentations in Toronto, Winnipeg and London where many can be found here on the CIHRRC YouTube channel. To help celebrate the launch of this website, Three Flying Flying Piglets made an affectionate (if cheeky) homage to CIHRRC and its members and the TV series “The West Wing”. Posted on 16-03-21 for the launch, please email CIHRRC if you would like a copy of the 2-minute film.
CIHRRC Partners and Supporters