2013 Toronto Forum

1st International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research Knowledge Transfer and Exchange (KTE) Library

June 13-14th, 2013
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital. Toronto, Canada

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Welcome and Official Opening to the Forum and CWGHR’s 15th Anniversary Celebration
Greg Robinson (Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation)
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Setting the Context: Why Canada, United Kingdom and Ireland? Goal of Forum and Overview of CUHRRC
Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco (Ontario HIV Treatment Network)
Kelly O’Brien (University of Toronto)
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Overview of CWGHR and the Key Research Priorities in HIV and Rehabilitation
Elisse Zack (Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation)
Kelly O’Brien (University of Toronto)
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Plenary Session – HIV and Aging: State of the Evidence in Canada, UK, and Ireland – Advancing the Field of HIV, Aging and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation

Keynote Speakers:
Colm Bergin (St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): HIV Service Delivery and Research in Ireland
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Simon Rackstraw (Mildmay Mission Hospital, London), and Will Chegwidden (Barts and London NHS Trust, London)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): HIV and Rehabilitation Research and Service Delivery in the UK
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Sean Rourke (Ontario HIV Treatment Network)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Neurocognitive Screening and Behavioural Interventions for HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND)
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Research Evidence Panel Session 1 – Disability and Episodic Disability

Stephanie Nixon (University of Toronto)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Establishing a Profile of Disability and Rehabilitation Services Use Among People Living with HIV in Canada: Lessons Learned from Piloting the HIV, Health and Rehabilitation Survey (HHRS)
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Will Chegwidden (Barts and London NHS Trust, London)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Disability in an Inner City HIV Rehab Clinic
Presentation: Watch video(link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Kelly O’Brien (University of Toronto)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Relationships Between Dimensions of Disability Experienced by Adults Living with HIV: A Structural Equation Model Analysis using data from the OCS Study

Research Evidence Panel Session 2 – Concurrent Health Conditions Aging with HIV

Patty Solomon (McMaster University)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Evidence-Informed Recommendations in Rehabilitation for Older Adults Aging with HIV: A Knowledge Synthesis
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Larry Baxter (CWGHR)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Evidence-Informed Recommendations in Rehabilitation for Older Adults Aging with HIV: A Knowledge Synthesis
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Glenn Betteridge (CWGHR)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Evidence-Informed Recommendations in Rehabilitation for Older Adults Aging with HIV: A Knowledge Synthesis
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Research Evidence Panel Session 3 – HIV and the Brain

Elizabeth Stevens (Heartland Hospital, Birmingham, England)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Functional Impact of HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND) and Strategies for Rehabilitation in the UK
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Brenda Merritt (Dalhousie University)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Using a Measure of Everyday Performance to Assess the Presence and Severity of HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorders
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Le-Ann Dolan (CWGHR)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Positive Outlook A Needs Assessment of Front-line Care Providers Working With People Living With HIV and Depression
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Knowledge Transfer Exchange (KTE) Round Table Break Out Sessions
Wrap-up of Day 1 and Evaluation

Friday, June 14, 2013

Welcome, Review of Day 1 and Overview of Day 2 Agenda
Day 2 Plenary Session – Implementing HIV and Rehabilitation Research into Practice

Stephen Karpiak (AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA), New York, USA)
PowerPoint Slides: Primary Issues Underlying Health Outcomes in Older Adults with HIV Rehabilitation in the US
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Siobhan O’Dea (St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): The Impact of Clinical Research in an Irish HIV Cohort
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Darren Brown (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Implementing Research into Practice: HIV Rehabilitation Services
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Gordon Arbess (St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Looking Beyond The Numbers: Providing Holistic Care in an Interdisciplinary Clinical Setting
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Research Evidence Panel Session 4 – Labour Force and Income Support

Sergio Rueda (Ontario HIV Treatment Network)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Is Any Job Better Than No Job? Employment Status, Job Quality and Health in People Living With HIV: The Employment Change and Health Outcomes (ECHO) Study
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Sergio Rueda (Ontario HIV Treatment Network)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Getting To Work: Creating Evidence-Informed Learning Tools to Enhance Labour Force Participation Options for People Living with HIV in Canada
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Tammy Yates (CWGHR)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Different but Equal – Enhancing Labour Force Participation for People Living With Episodic Disabilities
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)


CWGHR Annual General Meeting (AGM)
15 Years of HIV and Rehabilitation: Where Have We Been and Where are We Going Internationally?

Research Evidence Panel Session 5 – Access to and Effect of Rehabilitation

Elisse Zack (CWGHR)
PowerPoint Slides: Increasing Equitable Access to Rehabilitation

Rebecca Mullin (St Thomas’ Hospital, London)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Exercise and Adherence for People Living with HIV Preliminary Findings
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Soo Chan Carusone (Casey House, Toronto, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Living with HIV: Designing and Evaluating the New Casey House Day Health Program
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Tara Carnochan (Nine Circles Community Health Centre, Winnipeg, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): An Innovative Rehabilitation Delivery Model – Accessing Rehabilitation for People Living with HIV/AIDS
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Nancy Salbach (University of Toronto)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Evaluation of a Knowledge Translation Strategy for Promoting Uptake of a Web-based Guide to HIV Rehabilitation
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Jacqueline Gahagan (Dalhousie University)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): What’s Policy Got To Do With It?: An Exploration of HIV Rehabilitation Policies in Canada & the UK
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Research Evidence Panel Session 6 – HIV Measurement Tools

Richard Harding (King’s College London, London)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Patient-reported Outcome Measurement in HIV Care: What Matters Now?
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Kelly O’Brien (University of Toronto)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Assessing the Measurement Properties of the HIV Disability Questionnaire (HDQ): Preliminary Perspectives from Canada and Ireland
Presentation: Watch video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)

Bringing it all Together – Review of All Six Research Priorities and KTE Large Group Discussion
Forum Dissemination Strategy, Future of CUHRRC
Wrap-Up and Forum Evaluation, Adjournment

Award of Excellence and 15th Anniversary Recognition.
Presentation of the 2013 CWGHR Award of Excellence in HIV and Rehabilitation. 
Two special awards were presented in recognition of CWGHR’s 15th Anniversary year: Dr Patty Solomon; and COCQ-SIDA


2013 International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research Video Library (28 videos) (external link to YouTube)

Final Forum Report (June 2013)
Additional Documents