4th International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research Knowledge Transfer and Exchange (KTE) Library: Advancing International Partnerships to Address Research Priorities in HIV and Rehabilitation
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
On June 16, 2018 the Canada International HIV Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CIHRRC) and Realize hosted the 4th International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research & Intersectoral Policy Dialogue in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Forum was supported by a Meeting, Planning and Dissemination Grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Aging Institute.
The Objectives of the Forum were
- to facilitate knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE) on HIV and rehabilitation research, clinical practice and service delivery, among people living with HIV, researchers, clinicians on HIV, representatives of community organizations, and policymakers internationally
- to establish new research and clinical partnerships in HIV and aging internationally
- to foster mentorship and training in HIV and aging research
The Forum brought together 77 stakeholders, including researchers, community leaders, clinicians, students and people living with HIV from Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Ireland and Australia to exchange research evidence related to HIV, aging and rehabilitation.
Welcome, Introductions and Agenda
Tammy Yates (Realize)
Gord Arbess (St. Michael’s Hospital)
Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco (St. Michael’s Hospital)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Forum Overview
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Overview of Realize and the HIV and Aging Initiative
Puja Ahluwalia (Realize)
Kate Murzin (Realize)
Presentation: Watch Video of Overview of Realize and CIHRRC (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Overview of Canada-International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CIHRRC) and Framework of Research Priorities in HIV, Disability and Rehabilitation
Kelly O’Brien (University of Toronto)
Presentation: Watch Video of Overview of Realize and CIHRRC (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Key Note Speaker
Richard Harding (King’s College London)
Healthy Aging with HIV in the Context of Rehabilitation – Person-Centered Care for People Living with HIV: A Reality or Fiction? (PowerPoint Slides not available)
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Research Evidence Panel Session 1- Multimorbidity, Frailty, and Community Engagement & Social Participation
Patty Solomon (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Qualitative Longitudinal Study of Episodic Disability Experiences of Older Women Living with HIV
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Colm Bergin (GUIDE Clinic, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): HIV, Hepatitis C and Aging in Ireland – Interventions for Successful Aging
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Julian Falutz (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Update on Frailty in People Living with HIV: What is it? Why does it occur? What are the Consequences and What Can We do about it?
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Charles Emlet (University of Washington, Tacoma, USA)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Social Connectedness and Community Engagement among People Aging with HIV: A Cross National Review of Two Studies
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Francisco Ibáñez -Carrasco (St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Neurocognitive Difficulties for People Living with HIV in Canada
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Panel Session 1- Respondent
Chiara Reddin, Physiotherapist (St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Research Evidence Panel Session 2A – Successful Aging Interventions and Models of Rehabilitation Delivery
Claire Kendall (Bruyère Institute, Ottawa, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): What Do We Know About Self-Management Programs for People Living with HIV?
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Kyle Vader (Kingston Health Sciences Centre, Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Establishing (and Evaluating) a New Model of Self-Management and Rehabilitation for People Aging with Chronic Pain
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Cuisle Forde (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Laboratory-Based Research into Exercise and Physical Activity among Those Living with HIV
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Soo Chan Carusone (Casey House, Toronto, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Rehabilitation in a Day Health Program for Adults Living with HIV
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Panel Session 2A – Respondent
Mary Mwalwanda, Community Member (Hamilton, Ontario)
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Research Evidence Panel Session 2B – Exercise and Wellness Interventions
Mary Lou Galantino (Stockton University, Galloway, United States) and avid Kietrys (Rutgers University, Blackwood, United States)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Effectiveness of Yoga Interventions for Older Adults with HIV and Neuropathy
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Adria Quigley (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): The Impact and Feasibility of a Yoga-Mindfulness Intervention on Cognition and Balance in People Aging with HIV: A Pilot Randomized Study
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Kelly O’Brien and Rachel Aubry (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Implementing a Community-Based Exercise (CBE) Intervention for Adults with HIV: Updates from the CBE Study
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Darren Brown (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF): The Kobler Rehabilitation Class: Past, Present and Future
Panel Session 2B- Respondent
Brian Ellison – Community Member (Toronto, Canada)
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Panel Session – Bridging the Evidence with Real World in Research Practice: Community and Clinical Perspectives across the Continuum of Care in Aging with HIV
Opening Remarks—A Case Study Video
Greg Robinson (Community Member, Toronto, Ontario)
Panel Session Video: Part 1 (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Larry Baxter (Community Member, Halifax, Canada)
Patty Solomon (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
Dawn James (Nine Circles Community Health Centre, Winnipeg, Canada)
Caitlin Wharin (Casey House, Toronto, Canada)
Esther McDonnell (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK)
Gord Arbess (St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto Canada)
Panel Session Videos
Panel Session Video Part 2 (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Panel Session Video Part 3 (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Panel Session Video Part 4 (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
Kelly O’Brien (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
PowerPoint Slides (PDF):
Presentation: Watch Video (link to CIHRRC YouTube Channel)
Click here for an Interactive Infographic as part of our KTE Library.
Key ideas from the Forum focused on Multimorbidity, Rehabilitation Interventions and Modes of Care Delivery both leading to Patient Centered Care
have been summarized here. Click on the links for a short summary and links on each topic.
The 4th International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research and Intersectoral Policy Dialogue was funded by a Meeting, Planning and Dissemination Grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Aging Institute and Realize. We also acknowledge support from the Canadian Alliance in HIV and HCV Knowledge to Action, St. Michael’s Hospital, Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc. and filming by Three Flying Piglets, part of the Gay Men’s Health Collective (GMHC).