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- HIV Health and Rehabilitation Survey (HHRS). Four-page summary that provides an overview of the study findings related to disability, comorbidities, rehabilitation services use and living strategies among people living with HIV in Canada.
- Scoping Studies: Overview and Summary of Resources. Click here to view the one-page PDF poster.
- Exploring readiness to engage in exercise among people living with HIV and multi-morbidity in Toronto, Canada: a qualitative study. Click here to view the PDF fact sheet and click here to view the poster.
- 2nd International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research-Summary of Research Evidence-The Canada-UK HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CUHRRC), in partnership with the Rehabilitation in HIV Association (RHIVA), hosted the 2nd International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research on October 11, 2014, in London, England. The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide a brief synopsis of the research evidence presented at the Forum. Click here to view the PDF fact sheet.
- HIV Disability Questionnaire (HDQ) Study Updates– The HDQ is the first HIV-specific questionnaire developed to describe the presence, severity and episodic nature of disability experienced by adults living with HIV. The HDQ will help to identify health-related challenges experienced by people living with HIV and evaluate interventions aimed at reducing the severity and impact of their disability. Click here to view the PDF fact sheet.
- Episodic Disability Framework Study– The purpose of this study was to develop a “framework” or way of looking at disability from the point of view of adults living with HIV. Click here to view the PDF fact sheet.