

  • O’Brien KK, Erlandson KM, Brown DA, Chan Carusone S, Vera JH, Bergin C, Avery L, Bayoumi AM, Hanna SE, Harding R, Solomon P, St. Clair-Sullivan N, O’Shea N, Murray C, Boffito M, Da Silva G, Torres B, McDuff K, Davis AM. Episodic Disability Questionnaire (EDQ) measurement properties among adults living with HIV in Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, and United States.  BMC Infectious Diseases. 24, 71; January 10, 2024.


  • O’Brien KK, Ibanez-Carrasco F, Birtwell K, Donald G, Brown DA, Eaton AD, Kasadha B, Stanmore E, St. Clair-Sullivan N, Townsend L, Vera JH, Solomon P.  Research priorities in HIV, aging and rehabilitation: Building on a Framework with the Canada-International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative.  AIDS Res Ther 20, 86; Dec 9, 2023.
  • O’Brien KK, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Solomon P, Chan Carusone S, Stewart A, Bayoumi AM, Brown DA, Quigley A, Ahluwalia P, Erlandson KM, Vera JH, Bergin C, Hanna SE, Swinton M, Torres B, McDuff K, Da Silva G, Bradford G, Islam S, Price C, Lindsay JD, Murray C, McClellan N, Krizmancic K, Anand P, Yates T, Baltzer Turje R, McDougall P, Maksimcev V, Harding R. Short-Form HIV Disability Questionnaire Sensibility, Utility and Implementation Considerations in Community-Based Settings: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC) Volume 22, 2023. Nov 21, 2023.
  • Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Jiancaro T, Torres B, Da Silva G, McDuff K, Price C, Islam S, Lindsay J, Bradford, Glen, O’Brien KK. HIV in Motion: a community of practice on physical rehabilitation for and by people living with HIV and their allies. Rehabil. Sci. 4:1154692. October 6, 2023. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2023.1154692.
  • Jiancaro T, Bayoumi AM, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Torres B, McDuff K, Brown DA, Chan Carusone S, Tang A, Loutfy M, Cobbing S, & O’Brien KK. Factors influencing initial implementation of an online community-based exercise intervention with adults living with HIV: A systems approach. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, Disability, Rehabilitation, and Inclusion. Volume 4, 2023. July 20, 2023.
  • Sahel-Gozin N, Loutfy M. O’Brien KK. Exploring Experiences Engaging in Exercise from the Perspectives of Women Living with HIV: A Qualitative Study. PLOS ONE. June 2, 2023.
  • Turner JR, Chow J, Cheng J, Hassanali F, Sevigny H, Sperduti M, Chan Carusone S, Dagenais M, O’Brien KK. Wireless physical activity monitor use among adults living with HIV in a community-based exercise intervention study: a quantitative longitudinal observational study. BMJ Open. 2023. 13: doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068754 April 5, 2023.
  • O’Brien KK, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Chan Carusone S, Bayoumi AM, Tang A, McDuff K, Jiancaro T, Da Silva G, Torres B, Loutfy M, Islam S, Lindsay J, Price C, Zobeiry M, Pandovski Z, Illic I, Ahluwalia P, Brown DA, Avery L, Solomon P. Piloting an Online Tele-Coaching Community-Based Exercise Intervention with Adults Living with HIV: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Implementation Science Study. BMJ Open. 2023; 13:e067703. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067703 March 30, 2023.


  • Safa F, McClellan N, Bonato S, Rueda S, O’Brien KK. The Role of the Social Determinants of Health on Engagement in Physical Activity or Exercise among Adults Living with HIV: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.  2022; 19(20), 13528. October 19, 2022.
  • O’Brien KK, Solomon P, Chan Carusone S, Erlandson KM, Bergin C, Bayoumi AM, Hanna SE, Harding R, Brown DA, Vera JH, Boffito M, Murray C, Aubry R, O’Shea N, St. Clair-Sullivan N, Boyd M, Swinton M, Torres B, Davis AM. Assessing the Sensibility and Utility of a Short-Form Version of the HIV Disability Questionnaire in Clinical Practice Settings in Canada, Ireland and the United States: A Mixed Methods Study. BMJ Open. 2022;12:e062008. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062008.
  • Brown DA, O’Brien KK, Harding R, Sedgwick PM, Nelson M, Boffito M, Lewko A. Prevalence, severity, and risk factors of disability among adults living with HIV accessing routine outpatient HIV care in London, United Kingdom (UK): A cross-sectional self-report study. PLoS One. May 12, 2022.
  • *Lau B, *Sharma I, *Manku S, *Kobylianski J, *Wong LY, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Chan Carusone S, O’Brien KK. Considerations for developing and implementing an online community-based exercise intervention with adults living with HIV: a qualitative study. BMJ Open 2022;12:e059294. April 15, 2022.
  • Vader K, Chan Carusone S, Aubry R, Ahluwalia P, Murray C, Baxter L, Robinson G, Ibanez-Carrasco F, Stewart A, Solomon P, O’Brien KK. Examining the Utility of the HIV Disability Questionnaire (HDQ) in Clinical Practice: Perspectives of People Living with HIV and Healthcare Providers. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC). February 17, 2022. 21.
  • Harding R, Jones CI, Bremner S, Bristowe K, West B, Seigert RJ, O’Brien KK, Whetham J, and the EMERGE Consortium. Positive Outcomes: validity, reliability and responsiveness of a novel person-centred outcome measure for people with HIV. HIV Medicine. Jan 11, 2022.


  • O’Brien KK, Dzingina M, Harding R, Gao W, Namisango E, Avery L, Davis AM. Developing a short-form version of the HIV Disability Questionnaire (SF-HDQ) for use in clinical practice: a Rasch analysis. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2021; 19, 6. Available at:
  • O’Brien KK, Davis AM, Chan Carusone S, Avery L, Tang A, Solomon P, Aubry R, Zobeiry M, Ilic I, Pandovski Z, Bayoumi AM. Examining the impact of a community-based exercise intervention on cardiorespiratory fitness, cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility and physical activity among adults living with HIV: a three-phased intervention study. PLoS One. September 24, 2021.
  • O’Brien KK, Bergin C, Solomon P, O’Dea S, Forde C, Vajravelu, S.  Cross-Cultural Application of the Episodic Disability Framework for Adults Living with HIV in Ireland: A Qualitative Study. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2021; 43(2): 229-240. DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1621395.
  • O’Brien KK, Bayoumi AM, Chan Carusone S, Davis AM, Aubry R, Avery L, Solomon P, Erlandson KM, Bergin C, Harding R, Brown DA, Vera JH, Hanna SE.  Disability and self-care living strategies among adults living with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic. AIDS Res Ther 18, 87 (2021).  Published Online: November 19, 2021
  • Solomon P,  Chan Carusone S, Davis A, Aubry R, O’Brien KK. A Qualitative Study of Fitness Coaches’ Experiences in Community Based Exercise with People Living with HIV. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC).  Volume 20. October 20, 2021.
  • Solomon P, Chan Carusone S, Davis A, Aubry R, O’Brien KK. Experiences of People Living with HIV in Community Based Exercise: A Qualitative Longitudinal Study.  Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care.February 22, 2021.


  • Kietrys DM, Parrott JS, Galantino ML, Davis T, Levin T, O’Brien KK. Self-reported disability in persons with HIV-related neuropathy is mediated by pain interference and depression.  Physical Therapy Journal (PTJ).  Physical Therapy, Volume 100, Issue 12, December 2020, Pages 2174–2185, Available at:
  •  O’Brien KK, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Solomon P, Harding R, Brown D, Ahluwalia P, Chan Carusone S, Baxter L, Emlet C, Restall G, Casey A, Ahluwalia A, Quigley A, Terpstra A, Iku N. Research priorities for rehabilitation and aging with HIV: a framework from the Canada-International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CIHRRC). AIDS Research and Therapy. May 19, 2020; 17:21. DOI: 10.1186/s12981-020-00280-5.
  •  O’Brien KK, Brown DA, Corbett C, Flanagan N, Solomon P, Vera JH, Aubry R, Harding R. AIDSImpact Special Issue – broadening the lens: recommendations from rehabilitation in chronic disease to advance healthy ageing with HIV. Volume 32. 2020.  AIDS Care. Issue Sup2: DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2020.1739203. Available at:


  • O’Brien KK, Kietrys D, Galantino ML, Parrot JS, Davis T, Tran Q, Aubry R, Solomon P. Reliability and Validity of the HIV Disability Questionnaire (HDQ) with Adults Living with HIV in the United States. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. (JIAPAC). 2019. Volume 18. Jan-Dec;18:2325958219888461. Available at:
  • Solomon P, O’Brien KK, McGuff R, Sankey M.  Living strategies for disability in men ageing with HIV in Ontario, Canada: a longitudinal qualitative study BMJ Open.  2019;9:e031262. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031262. Available at:
  • Brown DA, Simmons B, Boffito M, Aubry R, Nwokolo N, Harding R, O’Brien KK. Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the HIV Disability Questionnaire among adults living with HIV in the United Kingdom: A cross-sectional self-report measurement study.  PLoS ONE. 2019; 14(7): e0213222.
  • O’Brien KK, Hanna S, Solomon P, Worthington C, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Chan Carusone S, Nixon S, Merritt B, Gahagan J, Baxter L, Gayle P, Robinson G, Baltzer Turje R, Tattle S, Yates T.  Characterizing the Disability Experience among Adults Living with HIV:  A Structural Equation Model Using the HIV Disability Questionnaire (HDQ).  BMC Infectious Diseases. 2019; 19:594.
  • Kietrys D, Myezwa H, Galantino ML, Parrott JS, Davis T, Levin T, O’Brien K, Hanass-Hancock J. Functional Limitations and Disability in Persons Living with HIV in South Africa and United States: Similarities and Differences. JIAPAC. Published Online: June 18, 2019. DOI: 10.1177/2325958219850558.
  • deBoer H, Cudd S, Andrews M, Leung E, Petrie A, Chan Carusone S, O’Brien KK. Recommendations for integrating physical therapy into an interprofessional outpatient care setting for people living with HIV: A qualitative study.  BMJ Open 2019;9:e026827. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026827. Published Online: May 24, 2019; Available at:
  • Dagenais M, Cheng D, Salbach NM, Brooks D, O’Brien KK. Wireless Physical Activity Monitor Use Among Adults Living with HIV: A Scoping Review. Rehabilitation Oncology. January 2019. 37(1):17-28.
  • deBoer H, Andrews M, Cudd S, Leung E, Petrie A, Chan Carusone S, O’Brien KK. Where and how does physical therapy fit?  Integrating physical therapy into interprofessional HIV care. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2019: 41(15); 1768-1777, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1448469. Available at:


  • O’Brien KK, Solomon P, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Chegwidden W, McDonnell E, Brown D, Harding R, Bergin C, Worthington C, Tattle S, Baxter L, Nayar A, Kietrys DM, Galantino ML, Yates T on behalf of the Canada- International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative.  Evolution of an International Research Collaborative in HIV and Rehabilitation: Community Engaged Process, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education and Action. Winter. 2018;12(4):395-408.
  • O’Brien KK, Dagenais M, Solomon P, Worthington C, Chan Carusone S, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Hanna S, Gahagan J, Baxter L, Robinson G, Gayle P, James D, Yates T. and the HIV, Health and Rehabilitation Survey (HHRS) Team.  Use of Living Strategies among HIV+ persons in Canada: Comparison by age group using data from the HIV, Health and Rehabilitation Survey.  Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC). May 10, 2018; Volume 17; 1-16.
  • Kietrys DM, Galantino ML, Cohen ET, Parrott JS, Gould-Fogerite S, O’Brien KK. Yoga for Persons Living with HIV-related Distal Sensory Polyneuropathy: A Case Series.  Rehabilitation Oncology. April 2018; Volume 36 Issue 2; 123-131.
  • Solomon P, O’Brien KK, Nixon S, Letts L, Baxter L, Gervais N.  Trajectories of Episodic Disability in People Aging with HIV: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC). 2018 Jan-Dec;17:2325958218759210. doi: 10.1177/2325958218759210.
  • Solomon P, Letts L, O’Brien KK, Nixon S, Baxter L, Gervais N.  ‘I’m still here, I’m still alive’: Understanding successful aging in the context of HIV.  International Journal of STD and AIDS. 2018. 29(2):172-177.


  • Vader K, Simonik A, Ellis D, Kesbian D, Leung P, Jachyra P, Chan Carusone S, O’Brien KK. ‘Physical activity’ versus ‘exercise’ among people living with HIV: A qualitative study. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2017; 24:11, 473-482.
  • Montgomery CA, Henning KJ, Kantarzhi SR, Kideckel TB, Yang CFM, O’Brien KK. Experiences participating in a community-based exercise programme from the perspective of people living with HIV: a qualitative study. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015861. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-015861.
  • Li A, McCabe T, Silverstein E, Dragan S, Salbach NM, Zobeiry M, Beldick S, Godi C, O’Brien KK. Community-based exercise in the context of HIV: Factors to consider when developing and implementing community-based exercise programs for people living with HIV.  Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC). 2017; 16(3): 267-275.


  •  O’Brien KK, Bayoumi AM, Solomon P, Tang A, Murzin K, Chan Carusone S, Zobeiry M, Nayar A, Davis AM. Evaluating a Community-Based Exercise Intervention with Adults Living with HIV: Protocol for an Interrupted Time Series Study. BMJ Open. 2016;6:e013618  doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013618.
  • Simonik A, Vader K, Ellis D, Kesbian D, Leung P, Jachyra P, Chan Carusone S, O’Brien KK.  Are you ready? Exploring readiness to engage in exercise among people living with HIV and multi-morbidity in Toronto, Canada: a qualitative study. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010029 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010029.



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