News & Updates

Join us for the World AIDS Day 2014 Twitter Chat
Posted on 2014-11-20



Second International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research – October 2014
Posted on 2014-10-09

Registration is now closed. On behalf of CUHRRC and RHIVA, I would like to thank everyone who has registered for the 2nd International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research. For more information about the Forum or if you have any questions about the Forum, please contact Ayesha Nayar at

Please take a look at the Program at a Glance.

CUHRRC’s Twitter Account
Posted on 2014-09-29

We are pleased to announce the launch of CUHRRC on Twitter! Follow us @CUHRRC

Update on the HIV, Health and Rehabilitation Survey
Posted on 2014-08-05

On behalf of the HIV, Health and Rehabilitation Survey Study Team, I am pleased to announce that the data collection phase of the HIV, Health and Rehabilitation Survey has come to an end. With assistance from 28 knowledge user, AIDS service, community health service and frontline medical clinic organizations across Canada, approximately 4800 invitations were sent over the 10 month data collection period (October 2013 – July 2014). As of July 31, 2014, we received 1171 completed survey responses from people living with HIV across Canada.

We gratefully acknowledge all known and unknown organizations who participated in the recruitment process of the HIV, Health and Rehabilitation Survey. The data collection phase was successful because you took the time to inform your members about the survey – Thank You! We are now in the data cleaning and analysis phase of the study. For more information about the next phase of the study, contact Kelly O’Brien (Principal Investigator) at or Ayesha Nayar (Research Coordinator) at