News & Updates

CUHRRC Membership Teleconference Meeting- Wednesday January 22nd, 2014
Posted on 2013-09-13

The purpose of this meeting is to introduce new CUHRRC members Mary Lou Galantino and David Kietrys from the United States of America and update the collaborative on CUHRRC related activities. This meeting will be held via teleconference. For more information, please contact Nkem Iku (CUHRRC Coordinator) at

International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research – June 2013
Posted on 2013-07-12

The CUHRRC held the first ever International Forum on HIV and Rehabilitation Research in collaboration with the CWGHR Annual General Meeting and CWGHR 15th Anniversary Celebration on Thursday June 13 and Friday June 14, 2013. The aim of the Forum was to translate research evidence knowledge on HIV and rehabilitation in Canada, UK, USA and Ireland, and to identify new and emerging research priorities in HIV and rehabilitation.

The event was a success in integrating research and clinical practice in the field of HIV, disability and research. Over 100 participants, including people living with HIV, researchers, clinicians, representatives from AIDS Service and Community-based Service Organizations, educators and policy makers from Canada, Ireland, USA and the UK attended the event providing opportunities for new collaborations and partnerships in the field.  Click here to access the complete program of the Forum.

We are in the process of developing a Knowledge Transfer Exchange (KTE) Library which will include the Forum report (highlighting the new research priorities in the field of HIV, disability and research discussed at the Forum), video recordings of presentations from the plenary and panel sessions, and the speakers’ presentation slides.

The Forum was funded by a Dissemination Grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), HIV/AIDS Research Initiative and the Public Health Agency of Canada, and supported the Ontario HIV Treatment Network and the University of Toronto. For more information about this event, please contact Kelly O’Brien at or Nkem Iku at